Writing shell scripts - Lesson 9: Flow Control - Part 1 First form if condition ; then commands fi # Second form if condition ; then commands else commands fi ...
If..else..fi - Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook if..else..fi allows to make choice based on the success or failure of a command. For example, find out if ...
how to represent multiple conditions in shell script? - Stack Overflow I want to represent multiple condition like this: if [ ( $g -eq 1 -a "$c" = "123" ) -o ( $ g -eq 2 -a "$c" = "456" ) ] then echo abc; else echo efg; fi.
Conditions in bash scripting (if statements) | Linux Academy Blog 25 Nov 2012 ... A small amount of general shell knowledge is assumed. ... A short explanation of the example: first we check if the file somefile is readable (“if ...
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook This page was last modified on 5 February 2011, at 06:13. Content is available under Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported unless otherwise noted. Privacy policy About Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook Disclaimers
Linux UNIX Shell Script Corporate Training | Online Linux UNIX Shell Script Training | Linux Solutio Many system administrators would prefer to use an automated installation method to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on their machines. To answer this need, Red Hat created the kickstart installation method. Using kickstart, a system administrator can crea
Learning Linux - Study-Area 學習 Linux 前言 Linux System Linux Servers X Window System Linux Embedded System 結語 舊版本 (RH6.2) 我的 Linux 學習觀 www.study-area.org © 2001 Netman 網中人 ...
Linux Shell - What is Linux Shell? What is Shell Script? What is Linux Shell? What is Shell Script? - Linux shell is a user interface used for executing the commands..... ... NEXT>> Linux - What is Linux Shell? What is Shell Script? - August 21, 2008 at 22:00 pm by Rajmeet Ghai What is Linux Shell?
4 Bash If Statement Examples - The Geek Stuff 21 Jun 2010 ... 4 Bash If Statement Examples ( If then fi, If then else fi, If elif else fi, Nested if ). by Sasikala ... The ability to branch makes shell scripts powerful.
Chapter 7. Conditional statements - "Tille" Garrels At times you need to specify different courses of action to be taken in a shell script , depending on the success or failure of a command. The if construction allows ...